CEG helps children in USA cities gaining cultural competence and be better prepared for the increasingly diverse world through educational and cultural exchanges. CEG serves disadvantaged children in rural China by providing the access to a better education.
To prepare children to understand and appreciate other cultures and be ready for the world stage when they become young adults.
News Bulletin
COVID-19 Feed Healthcare Heroes - 温馨晚餐,爱在前沿
- 疫情高峰,宇童教育与您携手同行,在Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis的协助下,为该医院系统内ICU医生、护士和坚守在一线的员工们捐赠晚餐项目计划于2020年4月17日开始执行。
- 日升月落,昼夜往复,ICU医护日夜无眠、分秒必争在抢救生命。每一天,都会经历多次紧急呼叫,每一次呼叫都意味着“病人病情的突然恶化(RRT)和病人心脏骤停(code blue)。
- 每一天,都要面对生与死,感情跌宕起伏,精神压力巨大。而我们看到的,依然是她们逆行的背影!
- 捐一份晚餐,可以让前线医护免去长时间高强度工作还要自己备餐的烦恼,让他们有多一点时间休息、舒缓焦虑的心情。您的爱心,更是对这些前线医护的鼓舞与激励,简单一餐送去的却是无限温馨与感动。瘟疫无情,医护们的全身心投入能让更多的患者看到生的希望。人间有情,我们的举手之劳能让医护们感受到他们不再孤单!
- 多年以后,也许会有人会问我们:“2020那一年,你做了什么”? 我们会说:“2020那一年,我们爱在前沿”。
- Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis负责协调安排医院ICU等各部门受赠对接。
- 宇童教育(501(c)(3)非营利机构)投入该项目前期所需资金,并开展募捐工作。亚美导报积极参与捐资筹备工作,推广宣传。四川餐厅低成本负责晚餐制作,配捐项目总额10%给予支持。
- 所有捐款将100%用于“温馨晚餐,爱在前沿”项目,所有捐款人均可得到电子版免税证明。宇通教育官网随时更新公示所有捐款明细与送餐执行情况。
- 咨询热线:260-715-6568
- 在线捐款: 点击右上角的红色 Donate 按钮,在Designation处选择 ' COVID - 19 Feed Healthcare Heroes
- 通过 Zelle/Chase Quick Pay 直接转账
CEG 转账信息:
Recipient Name:Children's Eyes on the Globe
Email: [email protected] (请注明捐款用于支持“Feed Healthcare Heroes”项目)
Recipient Name:Children's Eyes on the Globe
Email: [email protected] (请注明捐款用于支持“Feed Healthcare Heroes”项目)
Feed Healthcare Heroes in Indianapolis
We are raising funds to provide meals to healthcare heroes who are on the frontline working to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Indianapolis.
In this fight against COVID-19, frontline workers are experiencing high demand and high stress. They are working long hours and double shifts. They are facing life and death every day. They are right on the frontline of the pandemic, working tirelessly to save lives while putting themselves in danger. Here in Indianapolis, our healthcare heroes have been fighting and protecting us for the past few weeks.
A simple, hot meal and a warm encouragement is what we could offer to help them keep going after another long and tiring shift. With all of us in communities coming together to help each other, “Everything Will Be OK.”
What are we going to do?
We will begin to provide over 60 individually packaged hot dinners for doctors and nurses working in the ICUs at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis on Friday, April 17. This hospital is located in Marion County—the county with most death and most confirmed cases in Indiana.
Your support is needed to help bring hot meals to more healthcare staff at local hospitals in Indianapolis.
One simple meal
= more time to focus on patients
= more strength to persevere and endure in order to save lives
= a huge thank from all of us to our healthcare heroes
= a word of encouragement telling them that they are not alone in this fight
We are partnering with a local restaurant that will prepare all meals at a low cost and match all donations at 10%.
Who are we?
Children’s Eyes on the Globe (CEG) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit based in Indiana that helps children of different backgrounds in local communities gain cultural competence and be better prepared for the increasingly diverse world through educational and cultural exchanges.
During the current COVID-19 outbreak, CEG has brought nearly 200 packages of household hygiene and cleaning products to fellow Hoosiers in need served by the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center since mid-March. In partnership with several other local organizations, CEG has also brought over 26,000 masks and other personal protective equipment to healthcare professionals and first responders at 26 hospitals and clinics, 2 senior living communities and local police and fire departments.
How can you help?
Make a donation to help feed more healthcare heroes in Indianapolis. Every dollar counts!
In this fight against COVID-19, frontline workers are experiencing high demand and high stress. They are working long hours and double shifts. They are facing life and death every day. They are right on the frontline of the pandemic, working tirelessly to save lives while putting themselves in danger. Here in Indianapolis, our healthcare heroes have been fighting and protecting us for the past few weeks.
A simple, hot meal and a warm encouragement is what we could offer to help them keep going after another long and tiring shift. With all of us in communities coming together to help each other, “Everything Will Be OK.”
What are we going to do?
We will begin to provide over 60 individually packaged hot dinners for doctors and nurses working in the ICUs at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital Indianapolis on Friday, April 17. This hospital is located in Marion County—the county with most death and most confirmed cases in Indiana.
Your support is needed to help bring hot meals to more healthcare staff at local hospitals in Indianapolis.
One simple meal
= more time to focus on patients
= more strength to persevere and endure in order to save lives
= a huge thank from all of us to our healthcare heroes
= a word of encouragement telling them that they are not alone in this fight
We are partnering with a local restaurant that will prepare all meals at a low cost and match all donations at 10%.
Who are we?
Children’s Eyes on the Globe (CEG) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit based in Indiana that helps children of different backgrounds in local communities gain cultural competence and be better prepared for the increasingly diverse world through educational and cultural exchanges.
During the current COVID-19 outbreak, CEG has brought nearly 200 packages of household hygiene and cleaning products to fellow Hoosiers in need served by the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center since mid-March. In partnership with several other local organizations, CEG has also brought over 26,000 masks and other personal protective equipment to healthcare professionals and first responders at 26 hospitals and clinics, 2 senior living communities and local police and fire departments.
How can you help?
Make a donation to help feed more healthcare heroes in Indianapolis. Every dollar counts!
100% of your donation will go directly towards the purchase of food for the meals. CEG’s wonderful volunteers will deliver meals to the hospital.
Thank you for joining us to thank these amazing heroes for serving on the frontlines of this pandemic and protecting our communities! |
COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund - 共同抗疫
在中国陷入疫情最惨烈的阶段,美国企业与非营利机构提供了无私援助,华人华侨包机捐赠医疗物资支援湖北。如今,面对美国疫情的突发情况,近在咫尺的低收入家庭的孩子及老人,也面临着诸多困惑与困难。在不能去学校上课的日子里, 没有学校提供的午餐, 有限的收入只能将购买食物放在首位。 购买个人卫生及防护用品便成了次要甚至不可能。为此,宇童教育(Children's Eyes on the Globe, CEG)理事会决定:暂停2020年部分中国助学项目,并将大部分捐款用于印第安纳低收入家庭的防疫救助,将捐款用于购买预防病毒传播的个人卫生及防护用品。
CEG自2019年起与Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center (MRNC)和The Villages合作,为低收入家庭和寄养家庭的学生举办课外活动, 向他们讲授中国文化,致力于让这些孩子们能有机会接触、了解中国文化,长大以后能够适应当前的世界经济。由于疫情突发,经与这两个合作单位协商后, 我们决定暂停课外活动。
瘟疫无情,人间情深。MRNC马上组织为其服务的40名学生及其家长准备食物,让这些不能去学校上学的孩子和他们的家庭能有足够的食物度过难关。MRNC是一家拥有超过百年历史的非营利机构,致力于服务印第安纳波利斯地区低收入的个人与家庭。CEG决定跟MRNC再次合作,理事会全体成员及志愿者马上投入高效的工作,用了一天的时间设计了简单明了、生动有趣的居家抗新冠状病毒的卫生防护指南。在市场上卫生用品紧缺的情况下,大家群策群力短时间内购买到了洗手液、香皂、面巾纸、台面门把手消毒剂和一次性手套等物资。 第一批物资于2020年3月16日上午送到MRNC。 志愿者们会将物资送到40位IPS学生及其家庭。在未来的几周,CEG会继续准备同样成包的个人家庭卫生用品, 每周三送往MRNC, 由他们统一随食物一起发放。
- 在线捐款: 点击右上角的红色 Donate 按钮,在Designation处选择 ' COVID - 19 Response & Recovery Fund
- 直接捐赠卫生防护用品 [email protected] 317-332-5214 回玉华
Join Us to Help Fellow Hoosiers in Need During COVID-19 Outbreak
During the current COVID-19 outbreak, low-income and underserved individuals face more challenges. With the limited income, food is at the higher priority than personal hygiene products which posts a high risk for this population. Given this special need, the CEG decided to help fellow Hoosiers in need in our communities to prevent the virus from spreading.
The first donation of hygiene and cleaning products will be sent to 40 low-income students and their families served by the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center on March 16, 2020. A one-page Hygiene and Prevention guide is also included in each package to teach students how to wash hands and prevent infection.
We are hoping to bring more hygiene and cleaning products to IPS students and senior citizens living at nursing homes during this challenging time.
Your donation will assist more low-income families, especially children and the elderly, with their prevention needs. Thank you for helping our fellow Hoosiers in communities.
You can help by:
The first donation of hygiene and cleaning products will be sent to 40 low-income students and their families served by the Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center on March 16, 2020. A one-page Hygiene and Prevention guide is also included in each package to teach students how to wash hands and prevent infection.
We are hoping to bring more hygiene and cleaning products to IPS students and senior citizens living at nursing homes during this challenging time.
Your donation will assist more low-income families, especially children and the elderly, with their prevention needs. Thank you for helping our fellow Hoosiers in communities.
You can help by:
- Making a direct monetary donation:
- Click on the RED Donate button and choose ' COVID - 19 Response & Recovery Fund ' under Designation
- Hand Soap - Hand Sanitizer - Facial Tissue - Surface Disinfectants - Disinfectant Wipes and Spray - Disposable Gloves Please email us directly at [email protected] or call us at 317-332-5214 (Yuhua Hui) for in-kind donations. |
Special Program: Winter coats (Tibetan Gown) for students. Learn more HERE.
Discover More
Each gift from you will make a dream come true for a child in need.
Make a donation to CEG online, by check, or through your company’s employee donation matching program.
Learn about different ways that you can help